Every parent loves watching their child play sports, but there is always a twinge of anxiety—what if they get injured? Thankfully, there are several pieces of safety equipment designed to keep young athletes protected, but often, one part of the body is forgotten—the teeth! Whether your child engages in a contact sport or not, they should always be wearing a mouthguard whenever they hit the field, mat, or court. At The Dental Specialists, we can provide your child with custom-made athletic mouthguards from our Garland, TX dentist that will be much more comfortable and protective than anything you’ll find at the store or online.
You’ve likely seen pre-made guards or even “boil & bite” ones, but our guards are specially made for each child, so they all start with a dental impression. This will give us a working model of your child’s teeth and bite so we can design their mouthguard to fit perfectly. Once this impression has been captured, it will be sent to a lab, who will use it to make your child’s guard. About a week or two later, you’ll return to our dental office to pick it up.
Most one-size-fits-all mouthguards require the wearer to keep their mouth closed in order for it to stay put, which can hamper breathing and speech while playing. Our custom guards allow your child to open their mouth without losing the appliance, meaning they’ll easily be able to communicate with teammates and breathe unencumbered. Our guards are also much more comfortable than generic ones, so your child is much more likely to actually use it as opposed to “forgetting” it in their bag.