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Can a Night Guard Improve Your Child’s Sleep Experience?

October 24, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — adampreece @ 10:03 pm
boy soundly sleeping illustration

For some people, it’s no mystery why they struggle to sleep through the night. Watching something scary on TV, a late-night sugary snack, or maybe too many hours of evening video games. If your child has been unable to wake up rested and recharged, but none of those reasons seem to apply, a pediatric dentist may have an idea – bruxism. Read on to learn what this condition entails and a potential sleep solution the dentist can provide in the form of a night guard for kids in Garland.


It’s Scary What Some Halloween Candy Will Do to Teeth

October 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — adampreece @ 10:44 pm

For many children, the scariest part of Halloween tends to be the witches and ghosts. For parents, however, wondering what type of candy and how much of it their kids are eating is what sends shivers down their spine. There are certain varieties of candy you want your child to avoid so they don’t end up with a mouth full of cavities after Halloween in Garland. Read on to learn from a pediatric dentist about some name-brand candies that are bad news for a child’s oral health, as well as some specific candies that are at least the lesser of two evils for their teeth.


The Top Ways to Help Your Child Stop Grinding Their Teeth

September 27, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — adampreece @ 10:27 pm
Child grinding her teeth in her sleep in Garland

Does your child grind their teeth at night? You’re certainly not alone! WebMD reports that about 15-33% of children grind their teeth in their sleep. The clinical term for this condition is called bruxism, and left untreated, it can damage that precious smile. Teeth grinding for children with baby teeth rarely causes permanent damage, but it can still lead to plenty of painful symptoms! Fortunately, your Garland pediatric dentist knows all about bruxism in children, including how to help. Read on as we go over what you need to know about teeth grinding in kids and what you can do to stop it!


What Foods Improve My Child’s Dental Health?

August 24, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — adampreece @ 12:03 am

Your kids seem to ask you for brownies twice a week, but they are still learning about how important it is to prioritize dental health, after all. As they grow, you are trying to set a good example to help them learn how to make wise dietary choices that benefit their teeth and general health. With children’s oral health in Garland in mind, keep reading for food tips from a pediatric dentist.


Facts About Children’s Dentistry That Parents Should Know

August 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — adampreece @ 11:31 pm
smiling children

There’s so much to consider when raising a child, and one of the many things to be mindful of is the health of your little one’s teeth and gums. When you recognize the value of learning about children’s dentistry so you can help them avoid cavities, you are putting kids in a position to develop beautiful smiles. Keep reading to learn key facts about your child’s dental health from a pediatric dentist in Garland.  


How Does Juice Affect Your Child’s Teeth?

July 24, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — adampreece @ 9:13 pm
child drinking juice

Of course, cavities are a common problem, but did you know more than 50 percent of children will experience tooth decay before age five? To reduce statistics like these, organizations like the American Academy of Pediatrics provide guidelines and recommendations for parents, including recently that children younger than one should not consume fruit juice. At first, that news may come as a shock. After all, isn’t orange juice, apple juice, and other fruit varieties for your little one? Keep reading to find out from a children’s dentist in Garland.


Interesting Oral Health Facts for Nursing Parents

July 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — adampreece @ 9:03 pm
mother and her baby

As a new parent, choosing to breastfeed is one of the first choices you make. Whether you decide that’s the best option or you find bottle-feeding to be a better fit, it’s important to know that infant dental care starts early on. With this in mind, keep reading to learn some interesting facts about nursing and oral health from a pediatric dentist in Garland!


Tips to Prevent Baby Bottle Tooth Decay

June 24, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — adampreece @ 9:50 pm

When your child’s baby teeth begin to make their first appearance, the idea of them becoming damaged or decayed is far from your mind. However, this can quickly become a reality when unhealthy dental habits are present. Sadly, many parents are unaware of the fact that putting their little one to bed with milk or juice is troublesome. Keep reading to learn about baby bottle tooth decay in Garland and how you can prevent it.


How to Help a Teething Baby Sleep

June 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — adampreece @ 9:39 pm
teething baby

Every parent knows how exhausting it is to deal with a cranky, teething baby. Unfortunately, the irritability usually gets worse around naptime and bedtime because babies don’t have anything to distract them while they fall asleep. The good news is that there are several ways you can comfort your little ones and help them get some much-needed sleep. Read on as a pediatric dentist in Garland shares a few expert-approved tips!


What Should You Do If Your Child Has Two Rows of Teeth?

May 24, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — adampreece @ 1:48 am
Closeup of child's mouth with baby and adult teeth

From their first gummy grin to senior year photos, your child’s smile undergoes quite the transformation as they grow. Age 5-7 is when one of the most significant changes occurs: the loss of their baby teeth. Typically, their permanent set doesn’t emerge until this process is complete. However, it can happen sooner, causing two rows of teeth aka “shark teeth.” Keep reading to learn more from a children’s dentist in Garland about this phenomenon!

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