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Easter Candy and Your Child’s Teeth: Learning Sugar Limitation

March 27, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — adampreece @ 1:52 pm

When spring comes around, kids anticipate a fun visit from the Easter Bunny. Their basket may include clothing, games, or toys, but another main draw is often candy! However, too much sugar poses a very real threat to their teeth.

Instead of increasing their chances of cavities by showering your child with candy, learn which ones you especially need to watch out for and how you can protect your favorite growing smile.


Everything You Need to Know About Two-Year Molars

March 4, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — adampreece @ 7:30 am
a dentist examining a child’s smile

If your child’s baby teeth have been emerging, you’ve probably been thinking about what you can do to get your little one through this notoriously uncomfortable period. The end of this process is usually signaled by the emergence of the two-year molars, the final four baby teeth that erupt inside your child’s mouth; however, this can really make things unpleasant for your child. Here’s what you need to know about these molars and how you can counter some of the discomforts they cause.


What Drinks Could Be Hurting Your Kids’ Teeth?

February 28, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — adampreece @ 8:19 pm
Portrait of a child with some dope sunglasses drinking juice

It’s no secret that kids love sweets. As a parent, you probably spend a lot of time negotiating with your child about just how much sugar they can have.

The things your child drinks can make that calculus a little more complicated. One study found that sweetened drinks accounted for 62% of children’s drink sales over the course of a year. As a result, you may be giving your child something that could decay their teeth without realizing it. Here’s a guide to which drinks could be harming your child’s teeth, and which ones are likely to be better for them.


3 Ways to Make Tooth Loss Less Scary for Kids

February 22, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — adampreece @ 8:06 pm
Child holding a tooth that they’ve lost

One of the nice things about parenthood is being able to see the things you may have experienced as a child from the other side. You might have memories from when you were a kid about losing your baby teeth—maybe how scary it felt, how excited you were, or how enchanted you were by the tooth fairy.

If you have a young child, now it’s your turn to ease those fears and instill that magic in them. Here are a few ways that you can do that.


Why Dentistry Toys for Kids Are a Good Idea

February 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — adampreece @ 11:08 pm

When it comes to teaching your little one how to properly care for their pearly whites, the is a lot to consider. An at-home oral hygiene routine that includes brushing twice and flossing once per day will help them keep oral health issues at bay and will help them develop better oral habits. A healthy diet will teach them how to make the best choices for their smiles. Biannual dental visits are also key, but some children are scared of them. That’s where dentistry toys for kids come in. Keep reading to learn about the benefits of these toys and a few to consider gifting your child.


5 Ways to Celebrate Children’s Dental Health Month

Filed under: Uncategorized — adampreece @ 8:14 pm
group of smiling children

Children’s Dental Health Month is here once again! It happens every February and is dedicated to teaching children how to better care for their smiles so they can grow up to have healthy, happy beams and excellent oral health. If you’re a parent, you may be wondering how to celebrate this month. Keep reading for ideas on how to get your little one involved and excited about maintaining excellent oral health and hygiene.


What Are the Benefits of Dental Sealants for Children?

December 14, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — adampreece @ 11:17 pm
illustration of dental sealants

Instilling brushing and flossing habits in your child is crucial to protect their smile, but there’s more that can be done in the battle against tooth decay. After all, it’s the most common chronic disease affecting American children, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Fortunately, pediatric dentists can recommend dental sealants for children at higher risk for cavities. Even if your child brushes and flosses every day, they could be leaving behind plaque on back teeth where it’s hard to reach. A tooth sealant covers the fissures and pits on the chewing surface, so plaque doesn’t have a place to hide. Learn more about the benefits of dental sealants from a pediatric dentist in Garland.


What Are the Common Causes of Children’s Cavities?

December 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — adampreece @ 11:08 pm
parent brushing teeth with their child

When a parent thinks about how to protect their child as they grow, there are so many considerations. One aspect that always has to be prioritized is their oral health. After all, tooth decay is the single most common chronic childhood disease – five times more common than asthma, four times more common than childhood obesity, and 20 times more common than diabetes. Despite being so widespread, cavities are nearly entirely preventable. Parents can help prevent cavities in children by identifying some common causes. Read on as a pediatric dentist in Garland shares some insight on this issue.


What Should I Do to Help Relieve My Child’s Toothache?

November 22, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — adampreece @ 5:48 pm
child with a toothache

There are many reasons your child might develop a toothache in Garland, but no matter the reason, all you want to do as their parent is help them feel relief from the pain. While there is always the option of calling their pediatric dentist, you may be surprised to discover there are some at-home tips you can use in the meantime.


Cold & Flu Season: 4 Tips For Cavity-Free Smiles

November 9, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — adampreece @ 5:01 pm
mom with young child who is sick

When it’s cold and flu season in Garland, it’s only a matter of time before your child begins to complain of a cough or sore throat. Fevers spike, sneezes commence, and exhaustion becomes the reality of your home for several days. As a parent, you aim to treat the symptoms with all types of over-the-counter medicines, but have you considered how these might impact your child’s teeth? If you want to avoid cavity formations, here are four tips to consider while helping your child get better.

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