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5 Tips to Help Your Child Deal with Teething Pain

June 20, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — adampreece @ 11:12 pm
Child using a teething ring

When your child’s first teeth begin to erupt, this is an exciting milestone to celebrate! However, due to the nature of the eruption, your child will experience some discomfort during this time. This can be a challenge for both babies and parents alike. Fortunately, there are some tips and tricks out there to help you get through this time. Continue reading to learn more about teething pain and how you can help your child deal with it.


When to Worry: Signs Your Child’s Toothache Needs Attention

June 11, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — adampreece @ 10:11 pm
young child experiencing a toothache

Recognizing tooth pain in young children can be challenging since they might not always be able to communicate what they’re feeling. As a parent, understanding the signs of a toothache is crucial for timely intervention. Continue reading to learn about some common indicators of tooth pain in young children to help you determine when it’s time to visit a pediatric dentist.
