Most people remember what it was like lose their first baby tooth, the strange mix of fear and excitement that comes with advancing to the next stage of life. Still, most people lose all of their baby teeth without ever really understanding why they had them in the first place.
In fact, if you asked most people, they may not be able to give you a good answer for why baby teeth are necessary from a dental perspective, and why it’s so important to care for teeth that are going to come out anyway.
If you’ve ever been curious, here are a few key reasons why the baby teeth are so important, along with what your child can do to protect theirs.
The Importance of Protecting Baby Teeth
As you can imagine, babies would look pretty strange if they were born with their adult teeth in place. Baby teeth are smaller, and are therefore more manageable for them at a younger age.
While it’s true that children will lose their teeth eventually, there are several reasons that ensuring their continual health is important:
- Children still need their baby teeth to eat, and to do so comfortably those teeth will have to be healthy.
- The baby teeth are vitally important as children learn to speak. Without them, pronouncing certain sounds will be difficult.
- Baby teeth hold room for the permanent teeth, making it easier once they finally begin to emerge.
- Any disease or decay that the baby teeth suffer can potentially begin to affect the adult teeth as well.
How to Keep the Baby Teeth Healthy
It thankfully isn’t all that difficult to keep baby teeth healthy (though unruly children may make it seem that way). Just make sure to brush your child’s teeth each night with a pea-sized amount of flouride toothpaste, or a rice-sized amount for children younger than 3. You should also try to restrict your child’s sugar intake, and follow up any sugary treats with a thorough brushing.
It’s a good idea to start taking your child to see a pediatric dentist as soon as they turn 1, or whenever they get their first baby tooth. At that point, you should bring them in for periodic cleanings.
About Our Practice
At The Dental Specialists Pediatric Dentistry, we believe that taking care of your child’s oral health doesn’t have to be a stressful process. No matter how old your child is or the state or their teeth, we promise that we’ll be able to offer them the care that they need to feel their best. Moreover, we’ll be able to ensure that every member of your family is comfortable for the duration of their stay with us.
If you have any questions about your child’s baby teeth, we can be reached at our website or by phone at (972) 364-7472.