Adults are generally quite aware that they should be brushing their teeth twice a day, once in the morning and once at night. The overwhelming majority of us know this because they were made to do so as children. However, ingraining this necessary habit in children can be a challenging task. Along with regular dentist appointments, good hygiene is key to lasting oral health. Here’s a guide to help you get your kid hooked on proper dental care.
Start Early
Before the teeth come in, wipe the baby’s gums with a damp washcloth after feeding sessions to prevent bacterial growth. As soon as they start to emerge, you should start brushing the baby teeth. You can start with after-meal cleanings using a damp washcloth, gauze pad, or finger brush before moving up to an actual toothbrush. This acclimates the child to the taste and feeling of brushing at an early age, so they’ll be better equipped to handle brushing on their own as they grow older.
Set the Example
It’s trickier to get toddlers on board with proper dental hygiene. At this point, the child can handle a toothbrush independently. On one hand, children love to imitate their parents. You can teach your child the right way by demonstrating good dental habits yourself. Show them how you use a pea-sized dollop of toothpaste, exaggerate the movements of brushing, and let them see you spit the paste out so they know not to swallow it. On the other hand, some toddlers can be quite willful, so be sure to confirm that they are really cleaning their teeth.
Explain Why They Should
Start telling your child about the consequences of poor oral hygiene early on. It might be tempting to slack off because the baby teeth are going to fall out anyway, but gum disease resulting from your child’s poor oral hygiene can have consequences for life. It is also much harder to break a habit developed at an early age.
Make It Fun
If dental health education starts as a game, children are more likely to go along with it. To help them know if they are brushing long enough each time, find a two-minute musical piece your child likes. Tell your child that the object of the tooth-brushing game is to kill the most plaque monsters. Toothbrushes come in all sorts of colors and themes that children might show interest in, which can translate into their oral habits.
Along with everything else, schedule your child for regular checkups at the dentist’s office. By setting your child up for good oral hygiene, you can help them secure good dental health and a beautiful smile for a lifetime.
About the Practice
The Dental Specialists Pediatric Dentistry is the premier source of children’s dental care in Garland, TX. Led by Drs. Nelson Hui, Adam Preece, and Allison Gerlach, the practice knows how to engage children in oral hygiene by making the most fun out of dental appointments. Services include preventive, cosmetic, restorative, and emergency dentistry. If you’d like to set up a dentist’s appointment for your child, contact the office online or dial (972) 364-7472.